HomeHiphopTop 50 Best Rap/Hip-Hop Songs of All Time

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Top 50 Best Rap/Hip-Hop Songs of All Time

Updated thoughts about the videos of this channel are in the pinned comment, posted on April 30, 2024.

Old description:

Top 50 rap and hip-hop songs of all time. This video is a tribute to some of the most iconic songs in hip-hop history. The order was created with influence from different charts, online magazines, and also my personal opinion.

🎧 Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3Nk4qwLyHqtxRYZpfoJuy9

#Rap #HipHop #Songs #Classics


  1. I'm not a native English speaker, and for most of my life before creating this channel, I didn't care about the lyrics in the music I listened to. But song lyrics have been slowly adding to the destruction of our society for decades. The fact that a bad idea sounds musically pleasing doesn't make it a good idea. Addictions, crime, promiscuity, divorces, revenge, telling lies, cursing, swearing, hating, making idols, taking lives before birth, and many other destructive behaviors have been spread and normalized for years through most of the things we consider entertaining. Be careful of the messages you let into your life.

    Some people need to know that there is scientific proof that God exists. Causality and the principle of sufficient reason, to mention some, are accepted as universal, basically stating that everything has a cause and nothing appears by itself. Everything in the universe is subject to cause and effect, but whoever created the universe does not necessarily have to: if there was ever a time in the beginning where there was nothing, wouldn’t there still be nothing? Then it’s wise to admit that something or someone must have always existed, causing the existence of everything else.

    Some people have been able to explain it better than I can, so I will just cite one of the clearest presentations of the gospel I have ever read, published by Living Waters in the Million Dollar Bill:

    THE MILLION-DOLLAR QUESTION: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Have you lied, stolen, used God’s name in vain, or lusted (which Jesus said was adultery, Matthew 5:28)? If so, God sees you as a liar, thief, blasphemous, and adulterer at heart. If you die in your sins, you will end up in a terrible place called Hell. But there’s good news. Though we broke God’s Law, Jesus paid the fine by dying on the cross: “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Then Jesus rose from the dead and was seen by hundreds (it’s no fairytale). He fulfilled all the prophecies of the promised Savior. Please, today, repent and trust Jesus, and God will forgive you and grant you the gift of eternal life (Ephesians 2:8-9). Then, to show your gratitude, read the Bible daily and obey it, join a Christian church, and be baptized. Visit NeedGod.com and LivingWaters.com

  2. hmm but some of these are soul r&b with a guess rapper (2005-2010) no beastie boys or de la soul? i would put Public Enemy and The message as 2 and 1, that´s what hip hop culture must cultivate

  3. top cuture////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////top 50 best rap /hip hop-songs of all time//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////(2024-2060)-jacquie thieng


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